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Cemetery Oversight Act Questions?
Email Denise Bullocks or call 312-814-6187

Cemetery Oversight Database Questions?
Email Ramaker or call 855-694-5263

Enter the Cemetery Oversight Database

Welcome to Illinois Cemetery Oversight Database. The new Cemetery Oversight Act (Public Act 096-0863) required the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) to have this Cemetery Oversight Database certified by December 1, 2010. Ramaker & Associates, Inc. is the vendor that has developed this database.

The Act requires cemeteries to enter burial information into this database starting with burials taking place at your cemetery December 1, 2010 and forward. The data is to be entered within ten business days of the burial.

If you have questions about the Cemeteries in the State of Illinois, or the Cemetery Oversight Act, you can visit the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation website at: You can also email Denise Bullocks, Deputy Director, Cemetery and Funeral Oversight, IDFPR at or you can contact the IDFPR office at: 312-814-6187.

If you have questions or problems with the Cemetery Oversight Database, you can contact the database information line at 855-694-5263 (855-MYILCOD) or email

Click here to begin using the Illinois Cemetery Oversight Database.




1. Each cemetery location can have one Administrator (database set up and input person) and as many Users (database input) of the system as desired. The initial log in and set up for each cemetery should be done by the person who is going to be the Administrator. The Administrator for each cemetery is the only person who then can go in under the User Admin tab and add more Users.

2. After you log in you will be asked to set up layout locations for your cemetery. This is to custom set up your cemetery layouts to enter burial information. There are examples given. Future location setup changes will be done under the Cemetery Admin tab. You can also use the Help tab at this point for more information.



The State of Illinois has recently passed an amendment related to the Cemetery Oversight Act and has published the Rules for this on June 15, 2012, that are effective July 1, 2012. There were many changes made to the Act and some of them reduced the cost of compliance on cemeteries. 

One of the changes that affected the Illinois Cemetery Oversight Database is cemeteries will no longer be required to purchase registrations in order to enter burial data starting July 1, 2012 and after. Any unused registrations as of July 1, 2012 will be reimbursed to the cemetery by check.

Please Note: Burial records are still required to be entered into the database within 10 business days after the date of burial. Violations of this timeline subject the cemetery to fines and penalties as outlined in the Cemetery Oversight Act.

As of July 1, 2012, any burial records entered into the database with burial dates between December 1, 2010 and June 30, 2012 will be charged $2.00 per burial. This amount will be invoiced to the cemetery. The law still requires these entries to be made.

In addition, database users may enter burials into the database with burial dates prior to December 1, 2010 at a charge of $2.00 each, which will be invoiced to the cemetery.



Data Privacy Policy – The information in this database is only accessible to the cemeteries using this database, the State of Illinois, Ramaker & Associates, and Yahara Software.  This information will not be provided to the public or any other entities.  Your cemetery data will not be available to others unless you share your login information with them or create a user account for them. 

Refund Policy – Purchases of Burial Registration Credits are non-refundable unless the purchase is erroneous.  If you make an erroneous purchase, please contact our office at or 855-694-5263 and we will make arrangements for a refund.

Cancellation Policy – Purchases of Burial Registration Credits cannot be canceled unless the purchase is erroneous.  If you need to cancel a purchase,  please contact our office at or 855-694-5263 and we will make arrangements to cancel your purchase.